Tuesday, April 20, 2010

My Mama

I remember parts of that day and my feelings, but much of it is just a blurred sense of what was going on. But, it changed my life forever.

I have missed you at my wedding, the birth of my kids, and my graduation. My children know you through pictures and stories and a video I have of you reading Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day to your class. I think of you often this year as I homeschool the boys and teach your grade you taught for so long, 3rd. I even have your last lesson plan book, though I don't look at it often.

As I tell B and O more about you, I come to a greater realization of just who you were. You sacrificed so much for me and while at times it sacrificed our time together, you always tried to find a way to make it up. Yes, I was spoiled, and yes, I was a brat. And you put up with all of that. Thank you, Mom, for guiding me during my younger years. For all of the English papers that you listened to and all of the sentences that you dictated to me for my spelling words. You are forever in my heart, and while the memories dim so much, the fondness of your love will never be forgotten.

Yes, I know she is sleeping in the grave. But, at this special point in time, I need to get my feelings out as I see how special my mother was. I pray that today will have a moment of reflection in her honor.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Field Trip!

A couple of weeks ago, I decided to take the day off from teaching and take all 3 boys on a field trip. B and O were doing animal reports. O decided to do dolphins at first (which was too vague) and finally narrowed it down to orcas. We have seen the dolphins and whales at Discovery Kingdom and SeaWorld, but I wanted to take them to the place that I knew was closest that had them. So, off we went to the Seymour Discovery Marine Center at Long Marine Lab. I had a lab and a lecture here when I was at UC Santa Cruz and I will say that my nostalgia for the city is as great as it has been. Despite the "weirdness", I love Santa Cruz. And, I like the Marine Lab (I think the tank is too small for the dolphins though :o( ). I hadn't been since the boys were, oh, about 6 months old. They had a great time!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

where did time go?

This question has been coming out of my mouth a lot lately. As I think about it being mid-April already and even moreso as I think about how B and O are going to be 9 years old this year and G is going to be 3. It's been 10 years almost since my mom died and 12 since my dad died and I just have to ask, where did the time go? It seems like it has gone by so fast.

Here's a few pictures to show what we have been up to in the past couple of months. The twins are big into Legos, so here are some of their creations they have come up with.

and G found that he can reach the doorbell over the gate at the front door

We've been on field trips and Daddy-O and I are on a journey of health and wellness right now, so look for future posts about those! XXXX to all of our family and friends.