Wednesday, April 14, 2010

where did time go?

This question has been coming out of my mouth a lot lately. As I think about it being mid-April already and even moreso as I think about how B and O are going to be 9 years old this year and G is going to be 3. It's been 10 years almost since my mom died and 12 since my dad died and I just have to ask, where did the time go? It seems like it has gone by so fast.

Here's a few pictures to show what we have been up to in the past couple of months. The twins are big into Legos, so here are some of their creations they have come up with.

and G found that he can reach the doorbell over the gate at the front door

We've been on field trips and Daddy-O and I are on a journey of health and wellness right now, so look for future posts about those! XXXX to all of our family and friends.

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