Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Homeschooling is hard

So, I am not going to beat around the bush on this one. Homeschooling is one of the hardest jobs that I have ever had. Especially when you are trying to finish 2 grades in one school year. It's enough to make me want to pull out my hair most days. But, there are so many things that I can do at home with the boys that they just don't get in school. There have been so many budget cuts in our public school system that it is nice to be able to actually teach them music theory, art, and P.E.

I've gotten a lot of flak for teaching my kids at home this year, but the rewards have been worth it. They are so excited about science and math. O loves learning how to write in cursive and actual History lessons about the Renaissance and the rest of the world really put things in perspective.

So, my house is a mess most days (at least until 15 minutes before Daddy-O comes home) but my kids are learning, having worship everyday, and having a great breakfast and lunch.

So, this is my first post to ask what my mom, as a school teacher for 27 years, would think about it. I really don't know. But, I do remember having Art with Ms. Rocks, P.E. with Mr. Santani, and music class with harpsichords growing up and now I get to share a little bit of that with the kids.

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