Wednesday, February 10, 2010

There's something so rewarding about letting go of junk and seeing some clear space emerging from piles and piles of stuff. We have stuff, and sometimes it seems like a lot of it. Mine, Daddy-O's, O, B, and G. We. all. have. stuff. And it just takes up so much space. Some of this stuff has been with us since we lived in our first place together 9 years ago. Most has been more recently acquired in that 9 years as we have shuttled out the hand-me-down furniture and purchased our own. My couponing has allowed us to have even more stuff. But, I will address that issue in a later blog.

I have been going through some hot spot areas today in the garage and in an upstairs closet to start decluttering. Today wasn't too bad, I quickly Freecycled a couple of curtains that we haven't used in a couple of years and a tote that was taking up space on my shelf. I love Freecycle!

My worst find today though was that I had actually kept almost every paper and assignment that I had done since my first year in college. About 1000 pieces of paper (including TONS of articles that had been given to me by various professors). I don't remember really any of the stuff and the only thing that I vaguely thought about keeping was the Organic Chemistry lab write-up that I had started and was supposed to work on and finish the day that my mom died. But, as I am trying to get rid of things that cause sadness when I look at them, that was set free as well.

I'm not sure where tomorrow's decluttering will take place but it's sure to dig up some interesting find.

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